A young girl named Lily moves into an old, eerie mansion with her family. As she explores her new home, she begins to notice unusual cobwebs that seem to appear out of nowhere. Soon, strange and terrifying events unfold, and Lily realizes the cobwebs hold a dark, supernatural power. With the help of her new friend, a quirky neighbor, Lily must unravel the mystery behind the cobwebs to save her family from a malevolent force trapped within the house. The suspenseful journey takes her on a thrilling and chilling adventure of courage and discovery. Watch more O2tv series online streaming free.
Cobweb Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: Cobweb (2023)
Genres: 2023 Movies | Horror, Thriller
Director: Samuel Bodin
Writer: Chris Thomas Devlin
Stars: Lizzy Caplan, Antony Starr, Cleopatra Coleman